


大学英语第二教pc28官网 承担非英语专业本科生基础层级和提高层级学生的大学英语教学工作。教pc28官网 有25名教师,包括1名教授、17名副教授和7名讲师;其中6人获得博士学位,1人担任硕士生导师,13人有国外留学经历。

近年来,教pc28官网 完成30余项国家、省、校级教改项目,发表近200篇论文,编写30余部教材及10余部专著译著;获省级教学成果二等奖,校级优秀教学奖8人次,其他省级和校级奖励13项;教师荣获全国多媒体课件大赛二等奖、全国高等院校英语教师教学基本功大赛国家级二等奖、外研社“教学之星”全国总决赛一等奖等荣誉。


The Department of English for Non-English Major Undergraduates (II) offers college English courses for all the non-English major undergraduates studying in fundamental and intermediate classes. This department now has a faculty of 25 teachers, including one professor, 17 associate professors, and 7 lecturers. Among them, six teachers have doctoral degrees, one is master’s supervisor, and thirteen have overseas learning and research experiences.

In recent years, the Department of English for Non-English Major Undergraduates (II) has been in charge of over 30 teaching and research projects, many of which are at the Ministerial level or provincial level. Nearly two hundred papers have been published in various journals at home and abroad including CSSCI journals. Over 30 books as well as 10 monographs and translations have been compiled and published. About twenty awards have been obtained for outstanding teaching achievement at the provincial and university levels. Teachers of this department have won many prizes, such as the second prize of the National Multimedia Courseware Competition, the second prize of the National Teaching Skills Competition for English Teachers in Colleges and Universities, and the first prize of the National Finals of the Teaching Star of the Foreign Language Research Society.

In 2007, the course of College English has been recognized as a Select Course in Heilongjiang Province. In 2023, the College English Integrated course was selected as an ideological and political demonstration course and team at the school-level.